Neglectful blogger getting back on track!

Winter cold made me slow and not terribly productive.  Summer warmth and sun have given energy but made me not want to sit behind the computer.  Both things have made me hugely neglectful of this blog!

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black & white mosaic with wires in progress

Hoping to rectify this and get back to regular updates and regularly reading all my other favorite blogs.  Connecting with and being inspired by others is my favorite part of blogging – the summer sun this year has just been a stronger pull!

So, what’s happened with all that sun-inspired energy?  Well, recently finished 2 mosaics that I’ll show you soon.  One is a black & white piece that I just adore, the other is a cream/copper with tons of shimmery goodness. 🙂

I recently taught a couple of sessions of mosaic at a day camp for kids!  There were about 26 kids a session, aged 7-12 with some social skill challenges.  This was a bit daunting as I don’t have much experience with kids (don’t have any / never around any).  I was worried if I’d do ok with them.  But the kids were awesome and it was both totally exhausting and totally exhilarating!  So much fun to help them make a cool project and see them happy with the results.  Even one kid who at first told me it was “boring” ended up doing the most creative stuff and had a great time.  Think he just need to get past the hump of starting ( I can relate! ).  It was wonderful to get their little hugs and thank yous after the class was over.

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shimmery bronze in progress

I’ve also been keeping up with lampworking, making neat stuff with glass melting it in a flame.  The past few months I’ve learned new techniques and improved my skills a lot.  I’m now trying to create sculptural glass forms that can be incorporated into mosaics, not quite there yet but think something neat will come of it.

Lastly – tossed the mosaic plan for 2 collections that I’d laid out for the year.  I’d completed 1 of each when the husband had a thought.  He knew I had other ideas floating around and suggested making summer all about just exploring those.  He’d thought it could potentially be very neat, maybe better than planned stuff.  At first I resisted – but then went for it and have gone down a bunch of paths that led to tons of new ideas.  Fun but also kind of hard to wrangle a million ideas down to a reasonable bite to chew off. 🙂

Hope the past few months have been as lovely and creative for you as they’ve been for me.  Looking forward to catching up on all your blogs and hope to update you soon with pics of new work and other ramblings!

12 thoughts on “Neglectful blogger getting back on track!

  1. Define productive. I have successfully worked hard on my beer habit, and it definitely shows! Does this pass for productive? 😉 so happy to see your blog back. Keep up the amazing work. So proud of you and this journey you are on. Love you.


    1. 😀 Thanks for that giving me a chuckle this morning Robbie! Working on your beer habit certainty does pass for productive if you’ve worked on it well! 😀 Love you and thank you so much for your never ending support of my crazy pursuits. 🙂


  2. I answered this blog early this morning, but I think I did something wrong and lost it. Just want to tell you, dear Mercedes, that I really appreciate all your writings. And it is real great that you had the opportunity to work with these chilfren this summer. I am also looking forword to see those two items you are working on right now. Keep well and most important keep working on this beautiful art.


    Jeannine Cardinal


    1. Thank you so much for such a wonderfully lovely comment! Think you will really like the black and white one! Am just waiting for some paint to fully dry on a board that it will be mounted on, then I can take a final picture of it and post that. I so appreciate all your support and can’t wait to show you something new!! 🙂


    1. 😀 thank you!! I’m looking forward to catching up on reading your blog in particular!! Last summer I got 2 great recipes from you (the carrot, mint orange salad & the cantaloupe gazpacho) – have made them again this summer much to the delight of friends and the husband!


  3. Looking forward to seeing tor new pieces. I am so happy that you were able to share your love of mosaic with some children. You never know what you may have sparked in them as far as art appreciation and their own hidden artistic nature.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for that observation about the kids – I was so focused on them having fun and being happy with their projects, hadn’t thought of that possibility that maybe it was sparking something in them! What a cool thought! I really enjoyed my time with them, was so scared of screwing it up and so happy it all went well. Hopefully someday the opportunity will come up again. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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