Happy Anniversary to us!

A couple of weeks ago I got a little notice that the Mercedes Mosaics blog had reached its’ 1st anniversary!  A bit of reflection was in order with that news – originally I started the blog only intending it to live for 6 months.  Never did I think anyone would read it much (outside my immediate family).  The goal was supposed to be that it was a way to keep me on track and provide an accountability of sorts while I ramped up my mosaics after having let them fall to the wayside for a couple years.

Much to my surprise the blog has been quite fun to write!  Also surprising has been the amazing amount of people who have read it – from all over the world!  Strangers read it more than my immediate family and friends – this has let me discover so many other amazing bloggers out there on all sorts of topics.  It has been a fun aspect that I didn’t expect.  The blog did achieve its’ purpose, it did help to keep me on track.  In the past year of the blog – I have completed 14 mosaic art pieces plus 29 pieces of mosaic jewelry!  Most certainly I have gotten my mosaic mojo back, am full of ideas and looking forward to seeing what comes out of the next year!

Thank you so very much dear readers for following along with me, the fact that you read my postings and leave feedback or like something means a lot and really helps keep my motivation high.  Hopefully you’ll stay with me for year 2 and we’ll see what it brings!

one year

6 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary to us!

  1. You have produced a great collection of mosaic in a year. Something to be proud of. Reading you is also always fun!


  2. Happy Anniversary! I am hoping that year 2 will lead you to open an Etsy shop, or let us know how we can purchase your fantastic jewelry pieces!


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